Comeback Boots 2025 – Winner

And the winner is... Arollo Comeback Boots 2025

The election for the Comeback Boot 2025 is over. Throughout August, we invited you to vote on which boots we should add to our collection in 2025. There were four discontinued models to choose from. You had the choice between the Arollo Thigh High Boots Stiletto Roma, Eve, Lady Vanessa and Lizzy. Each individual model is unique in design and has features that make it stand out from the crowd. That’s why it was so important for us to hear your opinion and leave it up to you to decide which model will come back. Thanks to all participants who sent us their choice.

Comeback Boots 2025

The election was exciting right up to the last day, even though a winner had already emerged in the third week of August. Second place was already well behind, while third and fourth place received exactly the same number of votes.

Third and fourth place:

The Thigh High Boots Lizzy and Lady Vanessa received with 20% exactly the same numbers of votes.

Second place:

With 25% of the votes the Thigh High Boots Stiletto Roma reached the 2nd place. That was a bit of a surprise for us. After all, the Stiletto Roma boots were our very first model 15 years ago. As I said, we were surprised that they were still so popular.

And the winner is….

With 35% of the vote, the Eve Thigh High Boots were the clear winner. These boots will return to our collection in the second half of 2025.

We would like to thank all participants once again. You made the decision easy for us. We are already looking forward to fulfilling your wishes and offering the legendary Eve Thigh High Boots again.

Comeback Boots 2025 – Arollo Thigh High Boots Eve



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